Join us in everyday giving!

Your support does make a difference.

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Your support does make a difference.

It's not the size of the gift that matters, it's the consistency of giving.

People often associate large donations with having the biggest impact when they think of philanthropy. However, a donation of any size can go a long way in terms of helping students in need. Just $10-$20 a week can make a big difference. These days we can spend $10 a week on coffee, streaming services, etc., very quickly. Setting aside a weekly donation to go to a cause of your choice is just as easy. In this case, $10 per week could go towards helping students afford to participate in an ACE program, pay for textbooks, or receive one-on-one coaching as needed. Your gift will make a real difference here at ACE. It's not only the amount of the donation that matters; it's the consistency of giving.

Give today and make a difference in a student's life.